St. Finian’s Graduation Class of 2020
Lockdown video 2020
St. Finian’s Graduation Class of 2020
Lockdown video 2020
The PA are holding our Halloween Raffle again this year as it was such a success last year. You should have received your envelope by now, with full details.
Lines cost €2, with all proceeds going to our school.
The prizes are:
1st Prize: Locally Reared Turkey in time for Christmas
2nd Prize: Ham Voucher
3rd Prize: A pair of Antique Earrings
The draw will take place on the 25th October in the school, please make sure to return your envelope in time so that you don't miss out on a chance to win!
As always, all of your support is massively appreciated.
A reminder that our cake sale is on Sunday 10th December, 11.30am in Dillonstown Hall. Please help us to raise much needed funds for our school.
For our annual trip to Newgrange we were able to visit the Knowth monuments. Both 3rd and 4th class traveled up in the morning to the Boyne Valley visitor centre and we were brought out to the Knowth monuments.
Our first stop was to cross the Boyne river. We talked a little about the river and its use in helping to build the monuments.
Next we were met by an excellent guide who took us around the whole site and told us all about the different tombs despite the awful weather!
She told us about the decoration stones around the Knowth main monument and how the burial mounds were older than the pyramids!
Then we got to go inside the monument to see the narrow passages.
Our guide told us that they were used as burial chambers and that unfortunately the end of the passage had collapsed. She told us where the stone was gathered from and how these ancient people used to worship the sun.
Finally we were able to walk around the area and look at all the different tombs they had as well as stand on top of the main monument.
We all had a fantastic time, next time we hope it’s not raining!
In celebration of the 1916 Rising we decided to act out our own version of the Rising as if it had taken place today.
This whole play was written and acted by the children of 3rd and 4th class.
We hope you enjoy!
As Easter is coming up and spring is in the air we thought it would be fun to get some eggs and hatch them. We got 10 fertilized eggs and we secured an incubator and we set the eggs to incubate and hatch.
We marked each egg with an X and an O so we would know what side to turn them onto. The chicks took a lot of work to mind, they had to be kept warm all the time and they had to be kept in a nice humid environment as well as be turned 3 or 5 times a day.
If the chicks were not turned an odd number of times they would stick to the side of the eggs while they are forming.
To check inside the egg to see if the chicks were forming and developing correctly. To do this we got an ova-scope to allow us to see inside the egg. By looking at the shadows we could see the chicks progression.
Finally after 21 days the chicks were ready to hatch and break out of their shells, not all of them made it but we had 4 healthy chicks emerge out of their shells.
The chicks were kept in a cardboard box with a big heat lamp and access to food and water at the top of the class.
We gave them a heat lamp to keep them warm and some chick seed and water to keep the happy. The chicks were very noisy on their first day in school.
We had the chance to say hello to our new classmates and hold them.
The chicks loved their day in school as did we. We sent them off to a farm to live with come other chickens which is better then living in a box!